Lockdown Journal
As the world spiralled into chaos with COVID-19, this venture, supported by veteran Chennai-based journalist and publisher, Vincent D’Souza, came into being as an attempt to document the local lockdown experience in real time (and not in retrospect) through fiction, poetry and essays by Chennai writers. I curated and edited this journal. Some newspaper love for this journal: https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/chennai/an-online-platform-for-chennai-writers/article32852738.ece Read Here

Arts Illustrated
My association with this magazine, first as Consultant Editor and then as Editor, began in 2014 and continued till 2020. Along with a small team and a large group of freelance writers, I ideated, managed, edited (and wrote) for Arts Illustrated, a theme-based, pan-India contemporary arts magazine.
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Inbox 1305
A brief, year-long stint with this lifestyle magazine was exciting because it gave me the opportunity to design the editorial content before its launch and literally shape its beginnings.

Global Adjustments' 25-year-old monthly magazine on Indian culture for expats living in India was where I learnt most of what I now know of magazine production. During the close to eight-year association, from editorial coordinator to managing editor, I learnt how to build and maintain writer networks, and balance the economics of production and distribution with the aesthetics of content.